Anthony ‘Sconey’ Forrest and Wayne Robert King at Parliament House for the 2009 National Apology. Photo: George Serras.


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A historic apology: National Apology to Forgotten Australians

On 16 November 2009, on behalf of the Australian Government, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivered an unqualified apology to Forgotten Australians and Former Child Migrants who suffered abuse or neglect in care. He was supported by the (then) Opposition Leader, Malcolm Turnbull. The Great Hall at Parliament House in Canberra was filled with Forgotten Australians and their supporters.

To view the National Apology by Kevin Rudd and Malcolm Turnbull, click here.
For the transcript of Kevin Rudd's apology, click here.

The Australian Government's website about the apology and the history projects can be found here.

Apologies from the States and Territories

The 'Apology to those harmed in Queensland institutions during their childhood', given by the Queensland Government and Church leaders following the Forde Inquiry.

The transcript of parliamentary proceedings where The Hon M.D. Rann, then Premier, moved a motion for an apology to the child victims of abuse while in state care.

Link to Find & Connect's page describing the apology delivered by then NSW Premier Nathan Rees at a ceremony at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney, can be accessed here.

The full hansard transcript of Jon Stanhope's speech on behalf of the ACT Legislative Assembly to the Forgotten Australians can be accessed here.

British Apology to Child Migrants

On the 24th of February 2010, the British Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued an Apology to the Child Migrants. The speech can be viewed here.

Apology from the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

The Anglican Diocese of Brisbane has made an apology to those who have been harmed by sexual abuse in the Anglican Church of Australia. The apology is available here.